
Sample House Sitting Agreements


If you`re looking for a way to save money on your vacation and keep your home safe and secure while you`re away, hiring a house sitter might be the right choice for you. But, before you invite someone to stay in your home, it’s crucial to have a house sitting agreement in place.

A house sitting agreement is a contract that outlines the terms of the arrangement between you and the house sitter. This document can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both parties know what is expected of them. Here are some sample house sitting agreement clauses that you might want to include in your contract:

1. Duration of the house sitting arrangement

The agreement should specify the exact date and time when the house sitter will move in and when they will leave. You should also include provisions for what will happen if the house sitter needs to stay longer than expected or if you return home earlier than planned.

2. Responsibilities of the house sitter

The agreement should outline the specific duties the house sitter is expected to perform. This may include caring for pets, watering plants, checking the mail, and keeping the home clean and tidy. You might also ask the house sitter to perform other tasks like feeding fish, taking out the garbage, or mowing the lawn.

3. Compensation and expenses

You and the house sitter should agree on how much the house sitter will be paid and whether or not their expenses, such as food and transportation, will be covered. You might also want to include a provision for additional payment if the house sitter performs additional duties beyond those outlined in the agreement.

4. Permission to use the home

The agreement should specify how the house sitter is allowed to use the home. You might allow them full access to all areas of your home or restrict their use to certain rooms. You might also want to specify whether or not the house sitter is allowed to have guests.

5. Liability and insurance

The agreement should outline who will be responsible if any damage occurs to the home while the house sitter is staying there. You might also want to require that the house sitter carry liability insurance to cover any accidents or injuries that occur on the property.

By including these clauses in your house sitting agreement, you can ensure that both you and your house sitter are on the same page and that the arrangement runs smoothly. Keep in mind that the clauses you include in your agreement may vary depending on your specific needs and the requirements of your house sitter. It’s always a good idea to consult with an attorney before finalizing your house sitting agreement.