
Michigan State University F&A Rate Agreement


Michigan State University (MSU) has recently announced a new Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate agreement. This new agreement will help shape the university`s financial future and support research and innovation initiatives.

The F&A rate agreement, also known as indirect cost rate, is a predetermined percentage of research grants that are used to cover the indirect costs of conducting research. These costs include resources such as building maintenance, utilities, and administrative support. The F&A rate agreement ensures that the university can maintain the necessary infrastructure and staff needed to support research endeavors.

MSU`s new F&A rate agreement is significant because it is the first time in over 25 years that the university has negotiated its own rate without the aid of the federal government. The agreement is crucial to the university`s research operation as it will allow the institution to keep a greater portion of the indirect costs associated with research grants.

The previous F&A rate agreement was set at 46% and was determined by a formula created by the federal government. However, this new agreement will be set at a lower rate of 43.5%, providing the university with a greater portion of its indirect costs. This new agreement is expected to give the university an additional $11 million annually, which will allow MSU to continue to invest in its research mission.

This new F&A rate agreement is not only significant for MSU, but it is also important for the state of Michigan. According to a statement from MSU`s Interim Vice President for Research and Innovation, Douglas Gage, “This agreement will provide MSU with critical resources to maintain and grow its research enterprise, which in turn is essential for the economic well-being of the state of Michigan.” This sentiment is echoed by the university`s President, Samuel L. Stanley Jr., who said, “This agreement is great news for the future of research at MSU, and it is great news for the state of Michigan.”

In conclusion, MSU`s new Facilities and Administrative rate agreement is a significant achievement for the university and for the state of Michigan. This new agreement provides the university with greater financial resources to support its research mission and to continue to be a leader in innovation and discovery. MSU`s ability to negotiate this rate independently underscores the university`s commitment to research and its ability to thrive in a competitive landscape.